3 Tips for Healthcare Employee Retention

It is never a bad time to consider the satisfaction of your employees. In today’s fast paced world of healthcare it is important to have a strong employee retention program so you don’t have to replace quality individuals on your staff. It is your responsibility as a manager to make sure that your employees are engaged and connected to their jobs. Here are three tips that can help you keep good staff in your facilities.

  1. Constant Communication. Always keep the channels open. Your healthcare employees need to know that they can come to you with any problem or concern. Be sure to make communications a two way street. Ask for feedback, both good and bad, from your staff while also providing direction and counseling for their work. Be sure to act on any concerns they raise that you have control to improve. Praise quality work whenever you spot it on the floor. A staff that is comfortable communicating with management will be more satisfied and build better relationships. The effects can be seen even with their interaction with patients.
  2. Provide great on-boarding. Your responsibility for your team members starts the day they begin working for you. So many organizations have a trial by fire approach to training and this rarely works out in a positive way. Yes, you have hired qualified staff to fill these roles but they still need to learn about your environment, your policies, and your clients. Take time to create a consistent on-boarding program that can be used for every new hire both in a group and on an individual basis. Make it engaging and ask for feedback which can help you improve training processes.
  3. Encourage collaboration. Each member of your staff has different strengths and weaknesses. A great way to boost the experience for everyone and make use of the compatible talents is to encourage collaborative situations. Give your team a chance to work together to solve problems, create new procedures, or work with your clients to create the best experience for everyone.

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