Patents are a significant aspect of the U.S. legal system, and the lawyers who specialize in patent law require trained assistants to help them with the day-to-day process. This is where the role of a Patent Docket Specialist comes in. Patent docketing is a method for tracking and managing applications for patents. There are exceptional amounts of paperwork necessary throughout this process. If you’re thinking about a career as a patent docket specialist, what do you need to know about the position to get started? Here are the essential skills and responsibilities for the role.
Excellent administrative aptitude.
A lot of the job for a patent docket specialist is about attention to detail and scheduling. It’s important to have a great grasp on general administrative functions to keep up with the daily tasks of patents. A general comfort level with computers and software and experience managing calendars will all be essential.
Organizational skills.
Similarly, this field lives and dies by organization. There will always be several moving parts on countless dockets at one time, so it’s imperative that a patent docket specialist be able to stay organized. This applies to both the physical documentation as well as the managing of time frames on each and every patent that crosses the desk.
Training relevant to patents.
So far it sounds as though anyone with an administrative background can do this job, and while that is a good foundation, to effectively work within a patent environment, it’s critical that a patent docket specialist bring specific patent training to the table. A college degree will be required as well.
Ability to conduct repetitive steps.
Of course, it’s also important to note that as a patent docket specialist, you will be required to conduct the same series of steps for every case that crosses your desk. If you’re someone who thrives on new experiences, this may not be the best career choice. Patents are a repetitive process and you will need to perform the same tasks over and over for each one.
Work with a Leader in Legal Staffing in DC
Are you looking for a patent docket specialist position? Contact NRI Staffing today to work with a top legal staffing agency in Washington DC.