The most important thing when posting a new job is to make sure as many qualified people see it as possible. Branding is an important part of the process. While it can be expensive, it doesn’t have to be. Here are some free or low cost ways to increase the visibility of your online jobs and improve your company brand at the same time.
- Consistent messaging. Both hiring managers and human resources will communicate to potential employees. It is important to ensure that everyone is communicating the same message. Train everyone within your organization about your company culture, mission, and processes so the message to candidates is consistent.
- Use Facebook. If you haven’t already, be sure to create a Facebook page for your company. Engage with people who like your page and encourage them to refer their friends and family. This is a great way to build a community of potential employees which you can tap into when new positions become available.
- Use Twitter. Many successful companies are using twitter to source candidates, so why can’t you? The best way to target employees is to use hashtags, or phrases that start with #. This makes content searchable on your Twitter page. When someone is looking for employment in your area they’ll search hashtags and your tweets will appear. For example, post a job using the tags #accounting #newyorkcity.
- Use video. As a free service, YouTube is one of the best investments on the internet. Visual media is becoming more and more important on the internet and you can use it to create an interactive marketing tool to attract candidates. Upload testimonials, a day in the life of your office, or videos about your product.
- Post jobs on LinkedIn. LinkedIn offers you the opportunity to post jobs direct to students who will be the future of the American workplace. Use this to engage with Generation Y and attract these talented individuals to your door.
Are you looking for more ways to be visible to candidates online? If you are looking for temp agencies near Northern VA contact NRI today.