When you search the internet, you are likely to find a lot of information for interns to transition their jobs into full-time positions. However, there is very little on the other end of the spectrum. How does a business or a law firm know when to transition an intern into a full time employee? Here are some things to look out for that can help you make the right choices in your office.
Look for those interns who go above and beyond
Someone who just arrives each day and goes through the motions without any comprehension or passion isn’t likely to be a stellar employee once they have completed their coursework. You want to see the interns who truly care about what it is that your firm does and how it can help them with career development.
Evaluate how they get along with your permanent staff.
When making a hiring decision, it is not only important to hire someone with the right skills and passion but who also gets along with your current team. If your staff feels threatened or like they need to babysit the intern, that person isn’t isn’t the right fit to add to the team.
Take note of their reliability in terms of schedule.
Being on time regularly is an important sign of professional maturity. Arriving late to a job is just one of many red flags that you may need to watch out for. Not only should they arrive on time each day, they also need to be responsible when it comes to breaks and lunches.
Do they bring a full-time employee attitude to their internship?
Finally, the best trait an intern can bring to their job is the attitude that they are a full-time employee. They shouldn’t treat the experience like it is for college credit. They should be positive at all times and eager to learn new things. These are the candidates you want to consider for long-term positions.
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