There is a lot of talk in corporate environments about open-office spaces. Have you considered this as an option for your law firm? The idea behind an open office is to skip the idea of private offices and allow everyone to work out in the open, encouraging collaborative efforts. How do you determine if an open-office concept will be right for your firm, employees, and clients? Before you stop everything and knock down the walls, consider all of the ways that an open-office format will or won’t work for you and your team.
Does your office culture support it?
The first step to determining if an open-office format is right for your firm is to see if the current culture would benefit from this type of arrangement. Who are your employees? What are their values? How do they work independently or in teams with one another? Once you determine if your office culture can sustain this, you can begin to explore other options.
Do you need to encourage collaboration?
Will collaboration improve the legal services you are able to provide? An open office environment encourages your team to work together, and if you believe that this will benefit your firm as well as your clients’ legal needs, it may be worth exploring in depth.
How will you address privacy?
Of course, just because you want to embrace an open office doesn’t mean the need for privacy goes away. In fact, when you’re dealing with sensitive personal information, your need has never been greater. So, with an open office, how will you address the need for private spaces?
What are the needs of your clients?
Ultimately, your decision to provide an open office environment should benefit your clients. Do you think that this kind of collaboration will help your clients with their legal needs? Do they need additional privacy? Are there in-house and remote working options that will enhance the experience for your clients?
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