Getting Social Offline: Recruiting Legal Professionals Face to Face

While social networking is getting all of the press face to face recruiting is still very important into today’s job market. While you’re looking for the right legal staff for your business you may want to try stepping away from the computer and going out into the community. Consider these four tips for how to hire candidates outside of the internet.

  1. Knowing the right people. Candidates are often told that it isn’t what they know but who they know. However, in today’s job market the internet has all but replaced face to face networking for many job seekers. People need to get out in the community to make real connections with others in their industry. Consider using a site like to source legal organizations in your area to attend and meet new people.
  2. Become involved. After you establish the best local groups for meeting new legal talent it is time to become involved. Start by attending several local meetings to evaluate the talent in the community. If you can, volunteer for more within the organization. You will certainly find yourself engaged and energized and you may meet star employees.
  3. Develop your face to face branding. Even though upcoming college graduates have been raised on a diet of constant social media many are concerned about the lack of personalization in their upcoming job search. They want to stand out from the crowd. Face to face interaction with these new legal professionals will attract the right candidates. Personalize your face to face recruitment strategy and begin to attend college job fairs and other legal events in your area.
  4. Start a conversation. The person next to you in line at the bank could have a legal background. The only way to find out is to start a conversation. Engaging with individuals in your community can be a great way to meet talent where you never expected it. Be willing to engage with everyone around you and make sure you bring your business cards with you.

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