How a Background in Cyber Security Can Boost Your Legal Career

Cyber security and internet hacking threats are a big issue for many corporations today. Did you know that having a technology background in cyber security can give you an edge in your legal career? Because of increased concerns about the legal issues surrounding cyber security this kind of background is in high demand among lawyers and other legal professionals. Here are a few reasons how a background in internet security can help your career.

  1. Companies are not prepared. In spite of our collective knowledge that data is vulnerable when kept virtually most organizations are not prepared for a problem to occur. When it does, they will need experts who can help them navigate all of the resources and challenges that situations can present. A lawyer with a background in the technical aspects of internet security is valuable in these cases.
  2. Laws are constantly changing. Because of the newness of internet security and related data retention information the laws regarding cyber security are always in flux. Knowing about the technology can help inform you about the laws and changes as they occur. Not only will you have an understanding of the legal language, but also what the technical terminology means.
  3. Assist in preventing attacks. Lawyers with knowledge of computer security have the ability to understand the weaknesses in data systems and can help with increased security to prevent possible issues. While an IT or internet security expert can help with the technology, a lawyer has some insight on the practical and legal aspects.
  4. Gain knowledge through continuing education. If you are considering a career in law and are just beginning an undergraduate degree, it may be a good idea to focus on a technology based major such as cyber security. Alternately, if you already have your law degree, you can continue to learn about internet security through continuing education. It never hurts to add more of this knowledge to your arsenal no matter where you are in your career.

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