Did you know that numbers might be the single most important thing you can add to your resume? Gone are the days where job seekers just chronicle their jobs in order and share bulleted lists of the day to day tasks. Today’s employers are looking for candidate’s who stand out from the crowd and quantifying your experience is a perfect way to do just that. Here are a few tips for shifting your resume to focus on the numbers.
- How many? If you created a product or completed paperwork it will have more punch if you share exactly how many you were responsible for in your previous position. For example, if you were required to create an organizational system for your business, say this: “Organized 8 different departments by creating a file system. Each system contained 7 steps that ensured our company stayed compliant with local codes and guidelines.” The details about the system will be more impressive than simply stating that you created a companywide organizational system.
- How much? Money always talks, especially in business. If your role directly related to the profitability of your company or your department don’t hesitate to share the numbers involved. Estimates are fine as long as you are able to confidently speak about the numbers in the job interview and have the knowledge to back it up. You may say something like, “Companywide organizational system saved the business over $10,000 a year by maintaining compliance and avoiding unnecessary fees and fines.”
- How often? The time you spent on your job is just as important at the money you saved. Your potential new employer wants to see your employment as an investment so they need to know what kind of work you’re capable of doing in the context of a 9 to 5 work day. For example, you may say that you interacted with customers through the day and generated sales for the business. If you phrase it like this, it will sound much more impressive: “Interacted with up to 100 customers a day. 90% of customers purchased products on the phone.”
Are you looking for additional advice for writing your resume? Contact the professionals at NRI Staffing to see how we can help you!