A career in finance is a flexible thing. There will be several points throughout your career that will define you and impact how you perform in the future. It may be helpful to take a look back at these things or, if you’re new to the industry, see what others have learned along the way. You can also watch out for big events after they happen, though we rarely notice life-changing experiences in the moment. Here are some the defining moments that can shape your financial career.
Your first meeting with a new manager.
From that first moment, you begin to create the professional relationship that will affect your work at this new company. Your new manager can be either a mentor or an adversary, depending on what kind of interaction you have with them, and that may be predicated on your very first meeting.
The first time your new manager gives you decision making authority.
There will be a turning point in your career where you become the decision maker. That can happen quickly or take some time develop depending on your own personality and initiative. But the first time you’re given the ability to make a decision, your response may influence the rest of your career.
The first time you hire someone.
A more advance decision you may have to make is to hire someone else. This will make a difference in your perception by your manager as well as how you handle the hiring process for the candidate. The way you treat someone you’re considering for hire before and after they start will be a big influence on your career progression.
The first time you make a huge mistake.
Mistakes happen, and no matter how hard you try to avoid them, they will happen to you. The issue is not the mistake you’ve made but how you handle yourself in the aftermath. Your attitude, how you solve the problem, how you work with others will all affect your future.
The first time you’re in a negotiation.
For a financial professional, negotiation skills are always critical, but there will be times when you have to make a specific negotiation for your career. Whether you’re talking with your manager about a raise or increased vacation time or changes in your benefits, how you handle yourself in this interaction will influence their relationship with you during your time at the company.
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