Does Interviewing Constantly Help When You Find the Job You Really Want?



You’ve probably been given the advice to keep your resume updated even if you’re not actively looking for a job. Keeping your skills freshly updated can save you a massive headache when you find yourself in a position to need it. But what about interviewing? Should you be interviewing even while you’re currently working? How will that affect your current job, your future, and your overall skills? Some experts suggest yes. Here are why and some of the benefits.

Continuously network.

Every expert will give job seekers the advice to network as often as possible. You never know where a job opportunity can arise, so it’s essential that you are able to meet people within your desired industry. But what happens when the people you’re networking with ask for an interview? You take it. Consider it an advanced networking technique. Even if you don’t think you will take the job, it will put you in good standing with the organization.

Keep an eye out for exciting opportunities.

Of course, just because you’re currently working doesn’t mean there isn’t something more exciting out there. Don’t forget to consistently look at other opportunities in your industry. Even if you’re really happy in your current position, you may miss out on something special if you’re not willing to keep your eyes open.

Say yes to recruiter calls.

Most professionals find headhunters annoying. They’re the recruiters that call out of the blue with an exciting opportunity. But rather than saying no, make an ally out of the recruiter and keep your interviewing skills up to date.

Keep your interviewing skills sharp.

All of this is intended to keep your interviewing skills sharp. Like resume writing, interviewing isn’t something that comes naturally and if you’re faced with the need to do it because you’re out of work, you’re likely to fall back on bad habits. Instead, this will give you a chance to work on narrative storytelling, selling your skills, and personal interaction skills.

Learn more about other companies.

It will also give you a chance to learn more about other companies in your area doing the same things you do. Not that you can use this insider knowledge with your current employer, but it will help you have a better outside perspective on what you do and how it impacts the business community.

Work With a Top Staffing Agency in DC

Do you want to know more about interviewing? Contact the recruiters at NRI Staffing, now hiring for jobs in Washington DC.


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