Everyone has an opportunity to improve their skills and become better at their work. As an administrative assistant, what can you do today to advance your knowledge and increase your efficiency or effectiveness on the job? Challenging yourself to be just a little bit better every day will pay off in the long run. Here are some ways you can achieve your goals, stay motivated, and feel more accomplished. Here are five things to give you more success in your administrative career.
Knowledge of the Industry
The most important thing to know about administrative work is that it crosses almost all industries. So, if you’re looking for a job, it helps to have some specific industry experience. There are administrative positions in legal, medical, manufacturing, services, and more. Give yourself an edge by applying for jobs where you have some knowledge of the industry itself, not just administrative experience.
Social Media Expertise
Today’s business world is affected by social media. Regardless of your personal experience or feelings with online platforms, today’s most valuable administrative assistants will understand how these platforms work. If you can bring social media skills to the table, you will have an advantage over other admins without this knowledge.
Increased Technology Experience
Similarly, technology is taking on a more significant role in business. Along with programs like Microsoft Office, many administrative professionals benefit from knowing a little more about businesses’ technology. This can include how to use various office machines or the hardware and software used by the company.
Continuous Communication Improvement
Everyone wants to know that their administrative support professional is good communication, but what does that mean exactly? They want to know that you will continually hone your communication style to improve the way people interact with their business. That means you need to focus on how you communicate both in person and in writing.
Budget Consciousness
While administrative assistants aren’t accounting processionals, another thing that can put you ahead of your competition is understanding budgets. You can be the first line of defense to help your executive or department not overspend or plan for upcoming expenses. A lot of this comes down to being organized and recording information in an easy-to-use method.
Are You Looking for Your Next Administrative job in D.C.?
Call NRI Staffing today or search our online job portal for administrative jobs in D.C., VA, and MD.